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It’s A Good Thing That…

January 8, 2011

It’s a good thing that…

…I decided not to run the 12 mile race today. Not only was there a 5 degree windchill this morning, but I woke up super congested and weak. My body needed rest for sure!

…I won individual french press cups in Janetha’s 12 Days of Christmas contest. Despite the leaky lid, a really good cup of coffee was the perfect pick-me-up this morning. Thanks Janetha!!

….Ashley invented the banana scramble sandwich. Because it’s awesome. I followed her recipe but without the coconut because I’m not a fan. I had it on a sandwich thin because we don’t have any english muffins, but the doughier texture of the muffin would have made it even more fantastic.

mashing 1/2 a banana
All the ingredients mixed & ready to go on the pan

I made a sauce with my peanut flour to go on to. It was my first time making a peanut butter sauce, but it ROCKED. Totally made the sandwich.

I used:

  • 1.5 Tbsp peanut flour
  • 1 packet stevia
  • 2 Tbsp soymilk

….I had all of the necessary ingredients to make a light box. No matter how wonky it is. At least I did one productive thing today. I used this method.

….I was craving a juice, because I discovered the nearest juice bar is also an amazing vegetarian/vegan cafe! OR Smoothie & Cafe not only sells vegetable juices and fruit smoothies, but has a nice menu of  soups, salads, wraps, sandwiches, sushi, and spring rolls. It is all vegetarian and can be made vegan, and uses organic ingredients!  It is also dangerously close to where I work…

I got the “Ginger Tonic” made with ginger, apple, spinach and carrot. It was STRONG and honestly not as good as the greener juices I’ve had, but hopefully it gave my immune system a kick in the pants:)

I also got half of a veggie sandwich and a small cup of their homemade soup that I just had for dinner. Deeeeelicous.

…I had already planned on watching the Shawshank Redemption tonight, because the Priest at 5pm Mass assigned it as “homework!” Today is the Baptism of Jesus by John The Baptist and apparently the movie has a Baptism theme or scene or something. A little spooky coincidence, eh? God works is mysterious ways.

….I hate my phone, because it’s currently in a bag of basmati rice after being dropped into my bathtub.

And I hope it’s a good think to drink wine when you’re sick, because I’m not going to be able to avoid that bottle on the counter much longer!

  • What good thing happened to you today?

11 Comments leave one →
  1. January 8, 2011 9:03 pm

    A good thing that happened to me today was that I exercised for the third day in a row…not a big deal for a lot of people, but it’s big for me 🙂

  2. January 8, 2011 10:15 pm

    glad you got the cups! i need to make my light box. i have all the supplies but am being lazy!

  3. January 8, 2011 10:22 pm

    wahoooo!! Love veggie sandwiches!
    I hope you feel better! I think that banana sammie shouldve helped! That looks supaa good! I’m gonna try that ASAP!

  4. January 8, 2011 10:25 pm

    Feel better soon! Are you talking about the Frostbite Series? I ran it today, and it was FREEZING!

  5. January 8, 2011 10:32 pm

    im glad you listened to your body and didnt run tha race today!

    As far as the light box, I LOVE MINE! i made it over the summer and i feel like every single picture i take in it is SO CRISSPPP!!

  6. squigglefloey permalink
    January 9, 2011 1:55 am

    Omg I’ve been congested for the past 2 wks now!! I’m so annoyed that I’ve been sick-ey for this long. I blame the weirdO LA weather that’s insisted on raining off and on — and my moving back to my apt. and first week of school stressors. I hope you’re feeling better! Until then we can be congest-ey twins! Let me know what works though!
    (I also made juice today – carrot celery and apple).

  7. January 9, 2011 10:19 am

    That café sounds amazing! I wish I could find a vegan restaurant near me – fortunately, I have some very good vegetarian ones around 🙂
    I’m definitely following your recipe for the banana scramble – I’m not really a fan of coconut, too. It’s nice to hear that omitting the coconut doesn’t ruin its taste… It looks pretty delicious, actually 😉

  8. Lamar permalink
    January 9, 2011 1:45 pm

    CLARE! This girl I know from college (she is dating my old next door neighbor that is ironically from St. Louis and went to Priory) posted her sister’s cupcake blog. I know you don’t do the whole sweets thing too much, but they are really pretty and thought you might like to check it out:

  9. January 9, 2011 8:41 pm

    My light box pretty much looks the same! Glad you liked the banana scramble!


  1. Sick Day Sucotash « Fitting It All In
  2. My Favorite Recipe Blogs « Fitting It All In

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